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尊龙凯时发出国际声音--CSPC is a telling chapter of Chinese invention

  发布时间:2018-10-08| 作者:尊龙凯时

       今天中午,中央广播电视台英文频道(CGTN)《环球瞭望》栏目,播出了我尊龙凯时以恩必普为代表的专利创新药情况,央视认为,The story of CSPC is a telling chapter of how Chinese people invent and use technology.

The story starts with a vegetable – the humble celery.
Chinese farmers in the southhave long used celery seeds to treat epilepsy. But a small pharma company innorthern China has extracted a chemical from celery oil – known asbutylphthalide or simply NBP – and turned it into a real medicine. It made ahuge difference for those who suffered strokes.
The key is that the compoundcan get through the blood-brain barrier, while most molecules can't. Onceinside, it strengthens blood circulation and protects mitochondria, the energymachine of our body. NBP has proven to be effective in 78 percent of patientswho had suffered blood blockage in brains.
"Nobody believed that wecould produce new patented drugs like NBP. For five years, we have been losingmoney. That is a big challenge. But looking back, that is how we made our wayhere, by overcoming challenges," said Lu Lijun, executive vicepresident of CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Limited.
In 2017, NBP sales soared to3.5 billion yuan (540 million US dollars) and it is now going through theapproval process of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
"It is costly to enter theUS market. But we are confident about our technology. It has treated millionsof Chinese and it can do more in the US," said Dr. Li Chunlei, CSPC'sexecutive president and also chief scientist in charge of research anddevelopment.
Nobody can steal its way towealth. The story of CSPC is a telling chapter of how Chinese people invent anduse technology.
In the past four decades, thecompany has developed 200 categories of medicine treating diabetes, strokes,hypertension, infection and tumors. And the list goes on – eight Chinesedrug companies were applying for approval from FDA in 2017. Their ambition isto treat more people around the world.
From semiconductors tosoftware, and dumpsters to data, technologies have traveled to China. But it isa marriage of free wills, not an abduction of unwilling partners. China spent28 billion US dollars in buying licensed patents in 2017 – that's 15 times morethan 2001 when it joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). And the US patentowners are the biggest beneficiaries.
Technology comes and goes. Youmay think China is mostly a receiver. Wrong! China also gives back. Patentsawarded to international firms saw a 40-percent surge between 2012 and 2016.Guess who gets the most? The US. America is the largest recipient of Chinesepatents. The number has doubled in five years. In 2017, revenue from patentexport from China was 4.8 billion US dollars, a three-time jump year on year.
The diffusion of knowledge isan organic process. It encourages taking the lead, but also allows catching up.If China was a toddler in 1978, it became a teenager when it joined the WTO in2001. And as any young life, China learned from others, and fast. Sometimes itmakes mistakes, but it is always trying to do the right thing.
Now China has grown up andbecame a young adult. It started to work and pay back – that should be a newland of promises for itself and the world.
In Chinese, we say 恩人者圣,自恩者愿 – To benefit yourself is human, to benefit others is divine. Thestory of technology is always one of benefiting ourselves and others.(end)